Python PyGame Tower Defence - 0.5.4
A TD implemented in python and pygame.
Austin Morgan
There are only seven maps thus far, and only three playable. I have not put great effort into balancing them yet, as things change constantly. That said, I played through all of them before releasing this and found them to be fairly spot-on in difficulty, if a bit lacking in variety. Balance will not be a top priority until the Beta, version 0.9.
The art is nowhere close to tops and there is no sound whatsoever. I am neither an artist nor musician. If anyone would like to contribute either, I would happily give credit for your work.
Comments are welcome and encouraged!
Big update!
- Changed HP back to losing one everytime an enemy leaves the screen. You now start with 20 HP, and gain 0.25 HP per turn.
- Has a "Next Wave" button. Does exactly what you think it does.
- Implemented the 'slow' ability for towers. It's pretty awesome :D
- Changed the 'range' price. Its now 20, plus 20 for each range upgrade.
- Added 'super slow' ability for towers. 'slow' brings enemies to 75% of their speed for 1.25 seconds; while 'super slow' brings enemies to 50% of their speed for 2 seconds.
- New support for multiple enemy paths in a map.
- Pausing has been removed. There are no timers anymore, just hit "Next Wave" whenever you want a new wave to come and take as much time between as you'd like!
- Can have waves where the enemies come from different paths simultaneously.
- Tower is now a base class for all towers, each of which will be a different class.
- Testing of selected is now based on __class__ object instead of __name__ for Icon and Menu, and is based on containing Tower in __bases__ for Tower. This is more accurate, better code, and will lead to better performance and adaptability in the future.
- Icon class now holds a type and the type's towerstats.
- towerstats has become Basictowerstats, and Slowtowerstats has been created.
- SlowTower class created.
- Trimmed down the project folder. I hadn't realized how much extra, useless crap there was just lingering in it.
- Towers now generate their upgrade/sell buttons. This will make it easier to add new upgrades for other towers.
- Slow towers can now upgrade the 'amount of slow' applied to enemies, and how long it lasts.
- Enemies' move modified for accuracy (can now handle float movement), and speed coefficients made equal (they move the same distance whether vertical or horizontal).
Python PyGame Tower Defence 0.8.0 — 10 Mar, 2012
Python PyGame Tower Defence 0.8.1 — 14 Apr, 2012
Python PyGame Tower Defence 0.8.5 — 18 Nov, 2012
Python PyGame Tower Defence 0.8.3 — 15 Jun, 2012
Python PyGame Tower Defence 0.5.2 — 25 Feb, 2010
Python PyGame Tower Defence 0.2.4 — 7 Oct, 2009
Python PyGame Tower Defence 0.3.5 — 14 Oct, 2009
Python PyGame Tower Defence 0.2.1 — 6 Oct, 2009
Python PyGame Tower Defence 0.3.4 — 13 Oct, 2009
Python PyGame Tower Defence 0.3.2 — 12 Oct, 2009
Python PyGame Tower Defence 0.2.6 — 8 Oct, 2009
Python PyGame Tower Defence 0.3.0 — 11 Oct, 2009
Python PyGame Tower Defence 0.2.2 — 6 Oct, 2009
Python PyGame Tower Defence 0.5.7 — 1 Apr, 2010
Python PyGame Tower Defence 0.5.0 — 21 Feb, 2010
Python PyGame Tower Defence 0.5.1 — 25 Feb, 2010
Python PyGame Tower Defence 0.7.7 — 28 Jan, 2011
Python PyGame Tower Defence 0.7.5 — 9 Jan, 2011
Python PyGame Tower Defence 0.7.6 — 13 Jan, 2011
Python PyGame Tower Defence 0.5.6 — 14 Mar, 2010
Python PyGame Tower Defence 0.5.5 — 11 Mar, 2010
Python PyGame Tower Defence 0.5.3 — 2 Mar, 2010
Python PyGame Tower Defence 0.5.4 — 9 Mar, 2010
Python PyGame Tower Defence 0.8.6 — 17 Dec, 2012
Python PyGame Tower Defence 0.8.7 — 27 Aug, 2013 account Comments
Dylan Raub 2012-06-16 15:14
Good to see you are still working on this! Good on ya, mate :D
James Lu 2012-06-17 21:55
i'll upload my music soon
when i get on win7...
win 8 i can't do it, i secured it. -
Steve 2012-06-19 02:20 is missing from the latest build... I can't get it to run even if I grab from an older build though... will have a tinker with it and see if I can figure out why not...
Austin 2012-06-19 02:26
Thanks for the support, Dylan!
Steve, isn't used in version 0.8.3. I replaced that whole mess with the Player Upgrade Screen, accessed by right-clicking on the XP Bar. If you're getting an import error, just remove the "import Random" line near the top of I think that's the only one I missed.
Thanks for all the feedback, guys!
A faggot 2012-07-09 12:43
sipiatti 2012-07-10 08:08
ImportError: No module named Rewards
It seems one file missed from the zipball? -
Mich Nannings 2012-11-27 14:49
it works nice, didnt find any bugs
wcb98 2013-10-08 01:30
Great Game, but can you include python 3 builds?
Henry oven 2019-07-27 18:47
Python is giving error on my laptop. My laptop has really slowed down, I think it has a virus. basketball legendsDan Chavarria 2019-07-27 19:01
It was one of the games you played the most years ago, pyhon. I can't take time off now. get on top