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Game of Life (Juego de la Vida)

Game of Life es un simulador de automata celular

Retro Game Library

A library for creating NES and GameBoy style games.

Ping Pong

NES-style Ping Pong.


Octane is a Python game maker.


A Dominos game written purely in Python with PyGame.


Polywar is a 2D top-down arcade shooter game with polygons. It will be an online multiplayer game someday, but I need to get a few more things working properly before I do that.


Un simple juego donde deves colocar los cañones para intentar defender la base.


Dynamic maze, made of spinning passage patterns.


An open-source remake of the classic strategy game Moonbase Commander


Toonloop is a live stop motion animation software.


Juego, para hacer competir las IA, de los jugadores, basado originalmente en PyWars intenta llegar a ser algo similar a lo que es hoy en dia robotcode pero por el momento un avance..


A PyGame clone of Conways game of life


tosla is coded by the help of Python and Pygame. It supports both Pardus (Linux distro) and Windows. It comes with multiple language support: Turkish,Azerbaijani,German,Dutch,French,Spanish,Persian,Indonesian,Polish,Romanian,Russian.




A simple blocks game made with python and pygame.

Baby Tux

Baby Tux is a 'game' created to amuse small children.

Trivia Game Show

A really fun (no really, it's AWESOME!) trivia game show I made.

John's Quest

A metroid-vania esque platformer/shooter were you have to get all the keys and powerups to kill the last boss Conrols: A D or arrow keys - Move W or Up arrow key - Jump space - shoot

Django 1.2 E-Commerce

A new book from Packt Publishing aimed at Django developers who wish to build an e-commerce application.


A particle effects library for Pygame


OpenMOO2 is planned to be an open source clone of Microprose game "Master of Orion II: Battle at Antares", one of the best 4X turn-based strategy games set in space


Gravitational simulator written in Python.

Harness the power of Python 3 objects

Python 3 Object Oriented Programming is a new book from Packt Publishing which focuses on on high-level design as well as the gritty details of the Python syntax.

Python 3 Object Oriented Programming

Python 3 Object Oriented Programming is a new book from Packt Publishing which focuses on on high-level design as well as the gritty details of the Python syntax.

Golem Python Framework

Golem is Python game framework. It offers a way to render by PyGame.

Python Farm game

Python Farm game writed in pygame

AR example

AR example is a simple augmented reality example written in python using pygame library.

PuPU - Puffi's Pygame Utility

PuPU is a (very) small "framework" for programming games using the Python language. It uses Pygame for most tasks and PyOpenGL for rendering. Its aimed mainly for new programmers who want to try out graphics/game programming.

Color Tower Defense

Color Tower Defense is a game where you must use unique towers to defend off the waves of invading enemies. Upgrade your towers into one of the many choices for increased firepower. The more difficult levels require quick placement and selling of towers in order for them to keep the enemies in range and to be most effective.


Just a very simple (and useless) python script. You "could" call it artistic as it's basically a keyboard-controlled interactive animation. May help some people to understand pygame animation. Requires the pygame library. Controls: a,q,s,w,d,e,f,r,g,t, arrows.
