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Just a very simple (and useless) python script. You "could" call it artistic as it's basically a keyboard-controlled interactive animation. May help some people to understand pygame animation. Requires the pygame library. Controls: a,q,s,w,d,e,f,r,g,t, arrows.

Pawel Krawczak

Just a very simple (and useless) python script. You "could" call it artistic as it's basically a keyboard-controlled interactive animation. May help some people to understand pygame animation. Requires the pygame library.

Controls: a/q - decrease/increase red opacity in background
s/w - decrease/increase green opacity in background
d/e - decrease/increase blue opacity in background
f/r - remove/add bubbles (kills fps quick)
g/t - decrease/increase bubble size
up/down - increase/decrease vertical movement
right/left - increase/decrease horizontal movement
Colours of bubbles are chosen randomly and are constantly randomly changing (+-10) between 0 and max value which is set by asd/qwe keys.


There is also 2.5Dimension version with different controls and somewhat 3D spacce.



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PyBubbles 2.5 Dimension — 27 Nov, 2010

PyBubbles pre-alpha ? — 24 Nov, 2010 account Comments