Robot Glacier Fortress - 1.8.1
A retro 2D puzzle-platformer featuring a narwalrus with a grappling hook. Maneuver through and manipulate entire levels as you please.
Robot Glacier Fortress is a challenging retro 2D game featuring puzzles and platforming. The player uses a grappling hook to maneuver and manipulate through 40 levels. This combined with unique and familiar platforming elements creates a seemingly endless number of ways to solve puzzles and complete challenges. The artistic and musical style of Robot Glacier Fortress is modeled after the classic 8-bit generation.
1.8.1 is the developer's version of the normal game, including some fancy functions but ugly interfaces. This update mainly features a level editor and replay system, but it also includes template code for new characters and multiplayer (although the latter is not fully implemented). Because of the long time between updates, there are few documented gameplay changes. For a more streamlined game appearance, download version 1.0.

Robot Glacier Fortress 1.0 — 7 Jun, 2011
Robot Glacier Fortress 1.8.1 — 23 Feb, 2012