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A tool for cash calculation training.

Rising Snowflake

Sidescrolling multiplayer tactical fighting game.

Fleet 10

A space shooter.

Fantasy Adventures

A game for players ranging in age of people (11 - ?) that currently is only in the developing stages a game for low end computers with great potential. This game will be for gnu linux(mainly) and windows only and will olnly be bug tested for ubuntu debian ect and windows but once up and running will be bug tested for other systems. It will be 2d and programmened in Yuo guessed it pygame.

Label: Rise of Band

Become The City's leading Music Label in this turn-based strategy game for up to four players. Created by an interdisciplinary team of University students.


An adaptation of "Halebarde et Gonfanon" in pygame. It's a small strategy game that could be a board game. For more details see this link (also translate in french).

Elements: 2D physics API for the Box2D Engine

Elements is an easy-to-use 2D physics API for the Box2D engine, including renderers for OpenGL, PyGame and Cairo.


Hey everyone! This is my first pygame/python project and I had a lot of fun making this game!

No Brake!

No Brake is a 2d car game.


Raden's Game Manager library


SHIPPU GSS - a time attack shooter


Educational activities based on multimedia elements (images, sounds, texts)

Fallen Spire

An adventure-RPG with graphics rendered using Blender3D

Asteroids Infinity

Classic Asteroids with some differences.

Mystic Mine

Guide your gold car through a mine, switching rails with a single button. You can only go down, but thanks to an optic illusion in the levels, you can always reach every point. Play this game alone or invite some friends and play against each other. The game supports up to 6 people on one keyboard. Everyone can enjoy this family friendly game, regardless of age or experience.


Musical Quizz Game for Linux

Arcade Tonk Tanks

Just use the cursor keys and the space bar to shoot the other tanks.


The card game Canasta

Georg's Melon Adventure - Part 1

When the melons of the world are stolen, Georg must go on a quest to save the worldâ??s melons supply. Collect watermelons, cantaloupes, and honeydews (and various other items) as you battle your way through maze-like levels, spitting seeds at enemies. This side-scrolling game features all original graphics plus an original soundtrack sure to drive you bonkers.


A platformer/puzzle game in which the objective in each level is to reach the goal, often rotating gravity in the process.


Gummworld is an 8-way scrolling game engine written in Python and PyGame.


Octane is a Python game maker.


Food Force 2, based on Food Force, is being developed as free software. It is cross-platform as it is written in the Python programming language, and runs on platforms including the One Laptop Per Child XO and the Sugar desktop environment. Food Force 2 is currently in beta, and available for download on Linux and Windows platforms.

Spawnmower Lawn Defense

Towerdefense game written during PyWeek 8

Basic Guiu

lang = Esp Basic Guiu es una simple guiu basada en PyGame, esta pensada principalmente para diseñar pequeños y simples menus, para un conjunto mas avanzado se desarrollo el Modulo Frame que puede manejar mas comodamente los elementos como si fuese una ventana.


A fun but challenging puzzle game.


Gravitron is a space based game where you must defeat your enemies solely by deflecting their bullets back to them.


BOLLO A TOY FOR THE CREATIVE MIND WITH A LOT OF SPARE TIME BOLLO is a 3D building toy with digital balls. It is about as useful as a box of Lego, but it is great fun to play with. You plug steel balls together to construct anything you can imagine. Bollo uses the pyggel opengl libraries which are included with the game. WARNING: This toy is very addictive.

Achtung 2

Snake like game for 2-7 players. Objective is to outlive your opponents. Poor grafics, but exelent gameplay. (Based heavily on the game Zatacka/Achtung die neue Kurve)


Dynamic maze, made of spinning passage patterns.
