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Game programming with python

How to create games with python programming language


A Metroid-type shooter.


Python remake/clone of Rats!


A Dominos game written purely in Python with PyGame.

Rose Ninja

Fight your way through three levels of ninja awesomeness!


Food Force 2, based on Food Force, is being developed as free software. It is cross-platform as it is written in the Python programming language, and runs on platforms including the One Laptop Per Child XO and the Sugar desktop environment. Food Force 2 is currently in beta, and available for download on Linux and Windows platforms.


Control the destiny of a plant-like species hopping from planet to planet.

Portal Turret (motion detection test)

Motion detection that acts like the portal turret. Majorly fun!

City Tank

Drive a tank around the city and shoot blue drone tanks.


A Dragon Quest-styled RPG. Currently in-development.


Ultimate Dungeon Adventure (UlDunAd) - the extremely flexible, fun, text/graphical interfaced RPG.


Casual - Simplified RTS game with some RPG elements added on.

Basic Guiu

lang = Esp Basic Guiu es una simple guiu basada en PyGame, esta pensada principalmente para diseñar pequeños y simples menus, para un conjunto mas avanzado se desarrollo el Modulo Frame que puede manejar mas comodamente los elementos como si fuese una ventana.


Arranges as many photos as you like to make another photo out of it. It creates poster as the one on "Trumman Show" movie. Amazing Results!


A program to show pictures


Gloss is a high-performance graphics wrapper around Pygame that lets you take advantage of OpenGL without having to delve into the murky depths of 3D programming. Gloss lets you build 2D games where you can rotate, scale and recolor sprites on the fly, and also includes a selection of helpful mathematics functions to make the life of games coders easier.

Zelda love Candy

Zelda tries to collect as many candies as he can. This is a complete game. Next version will be developed with some more difficult level.

Zelda love Candy

Zelda tries to collect as many candies as he can. This is a complete game. Next version will be developed with some more difficult level.

Zelda love Candy

Zelda tries to collect candies. He is crazy of candies. :)


Quick diagnostic look at your Pygame/Python installation, along with hardware capabilities.

Zelda love Candy

Correcting to the name confusion. :) Again, If you need the whole source code, please post a comment and you tell a way I can send it to you.


Basic version of the classic breakout game.


A multi player research game for multitouch tables.

Level Editor

This is a level editor for my up-coming platforming game.


(poor) "Connect 3"


Polywar is a 2D top-down arcade shooter game with polygons. It will be an online multiplayer game someday, but I need to get a few more things working properly before I do that.


A remake of Reflex


A top down dungeon crawler game with an interesting twist: there are two planes that you can traverse.

Banished Wings

Banished Wings is a shoot 'em ups sidescroller with a space theme. Fight your way through hordes of space enemies while avoiding asteroids and other obstacles. Choose from up to three different space fighters, each with a different set of unique abilities, attributes, and upgrades.


A simple paint program.

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