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Mirra -

2D openGL python library that focuses on interaction. Built in graphical classes implement mouse event listeners. (in a way like macromedia director or flash do). It implements event listeners and rendering stack with Z layering.

enrike hurtado
Mirra is a 2D openGL python framework. It defines a set of classes to render primitive shapes (Text, Pixel, Line, Circle, Rect, Bitmap, BitmaPolygon) and manages rendering and user input (mouse and keyboard). Mirra focuses on interaction and implements an event listener and classes that receive mouse events. (in a way like macromedia director or flash do). It runs using pygame(SDL) but it can also be used under wxPython (experimental yet). Mirra is also thought to teach students (basically design and multimedia students) programming in python by playing around with graphics. Subscribe to mailing list at


- fixed errors on installer script, exe installer provided for windows users - fixed bugs on Bitmap instances when calling tile() and setImage() - Implemented support for images with transparencies - cleaned, there where some old lines of code not used anymore. 0.2.8 : - Using py2exe / py2app now it can easily be created self executables (mac and win, linux users dont need this) non dependent from Python interpreter or library dependencies. Check example. - added mouseVisible property to App. self.mouseVisible = 0 will hide the mouse (but itwill keep active!) - end() happends now just before quiting pygame and not after - Bitmap and tmapPolygon images can be changed on the fly with setImage(pathtoimage) method, check examples related to textures - several changes to optimise performance - more extendingclasses examples added - modified opengl setup suggested by tom betts to get rid of unnecesary coordinate and angle translations. - finally fixed wx problems with refresh thanks to tip from robin dunn. Currently reconstructing wx support and creating examples. added back. - fixed bug on mouse click that caused some mouse clicks not to be recognised properly. - top app's mouseLoc implemented as a python property on pygame - small changes on to add mouseLoc to wx


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Mirra 0.2.6 — 20 Dec, 2005

Mirra — 12 Aug, 2005

Mirra — 7 Oct, 2006

Mirra 0.3.2 — 28 Nov, 2007 account Comments