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Drone Pilot

Land the drone on the green platforms to make deliveries

Schutll Noise

platformer about think a little bit out of the box


To build an interactive game for 2–6 years old kids to learn English vocabulary and have fun.

Star Battles

A space shooter.

Snake 1024

A snake game where you are a blue snake trying to eat all the green apples that just pop into existence and avoid the red bombs (as bombs are red squares).


A python game inspired by Duck Hunt (1984)

Flappy Block

Flappy bird with blocky graphics.

Random Maze Generator

It creates random mazes continuously.


Yet another (Python+PyGame) implementation of John Horton Conway's Game of Life


Box Head


Snake game [tutorial]


A calculator in pygame.

Moana Army



This project is an high-school french project.


Small spaceinvaders-like game

Crown Green Bowls Game

crown green bowls is as true to the game as I can make it and played to crown green rules, for two players


Famous Gameboy Advanced Pyoro mini game from Wario Ware Inc. recreated with Python and Pygame.

pygame book

What is a pygame 4000 for?

Library Computer Access and Retrival System (Star Trek IRL project)

The Library Computer Access and Retrival System is a new operating system that can fetch files and modify/replace/remove/move files easily. Said files can be made as .py and if they are, they can be set to automatically run. May require maintenence.

Magic Mirror

Use your card abilities to defend your garden from enemies! (Made for the Weekly Game Jam week 148)

Historical Wargame Simulator

Historical battle simulator in the form of a tactical map with the purpose to provide both enjoyment and educational value to the player.

The Raspberry Pi and Python Game Physics

This project tests the RPi-2 as a host for a script-based game (physics) engine.

Royal Ordains

Side-scrolling medieval fantasy action game in the art style inspired by Medieval art from various period and regions (with a sprinkle of education elements for historical medieval period) made with Pygame.

Pygame Text Input

A small module that enables you to input text with your keyboard using pygame


Eccentric platform-shooter starring a TRUNKMAN exploring critter-filled Beak Forest trying to find the meaning of life!


Eccentric platform-shooter starring a TRUNKMAN exploring critter-filled Beak Forest trying to find the meaning of life!


a space invaders game

Tic Tac Toe

My tictactoe game made in Python using the library “Turtle”

Pixel Pizza Run

Collect all the pizzas!

Fat snake

Fun game where you eat food and dodge other snakes.

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