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Tetratris True - 1.0

A Tetris lover's dream, Tetratris True features a great array of game modes and a fun multiplayer mode to keep you busy for hours!

Mike Doty
Driven by an unnatural obsession with tetris, I have worked to create a fun and diverse tetris game. The result? Tetratris True.

You can choose from any of 8 distinct gameplay modes or challenge other players in the multiplayer mode; you can also keep track of your stats and multiplayer win/loss record on the Tetratris True website.

Any tetris player knows how important of a role the controls in a tetris game play; to this end, Tetratris True offers you complete control customizability. Do you like to use the F9 key to rotate pieces counter-clockwise? In this game, you can!

I hope y'all enjoy this game. I want to work on better commenting the source codea bit better in some areas; look for me to eventually post such a version sometime in the future.

Note: Requires PyOpenGL in addition to PyGame.


- Added Windows binary download.


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Tetratris True 1.0 — 18 Dec, 2006 account Comments