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Game vision: A frantic sandbox style shmup, with random missions and targets.

Alex Horsman
You are yet another mercenary, joining a vast rabble of others, and attempting to make a profit from the warring factions of the galaxy.
Can you take a flimsy homemade space-fighter, and blast your way to universal infamy, and make a tidy profit on the way?
Play however you like -- Plunder the hyperspace supply routes, stand beside the ranks of a mighty army or slip unnoticed into the Emperor's private space station...
But just remember: you're in it for the money!

(Mercos is short for Mercenary Cosmos, and pronounced "Merr-Kose".)

Our team consits of:
"Aninhumer" - Main developer
"DRivas" - Concept and Design (and perhaps Music)
(Somebody, who we expect will help) - Artwork

We hope to have the game ready for the GP2X Community Game Contest, deadline December 11th.
Source will not be available until after the contest has finished, as pre-contest public releases are not allowed.
If you would be interested in private beta-testing, please email me. (gmail)



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