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py 2048, a well know 2048 clone board game

gino ingras
how to play:
keyboard UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, ESCAPE to quit

increase your score shifting tiles with same number.
the value of resulting tile is multiplied *2.
your score is increased in consequence.

customise your game:
edit py2048.cfg configuration file. you can:
- Change Raws and Columns amount.
- Change Random range value of new tile.
- Limit the maximum tile value.
- Limit time allowed for movement.
- Enable no movement (a new tile appear even if your movement doesn't shift anything).
- Set shift to one step only.
- Save the game state when exit (for autoload at start game)



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py2048 0.1.0 — 11 Mar, 2016

py2048 0.0.1 — 4 Mar, 2016

py2048 0.1.2 — 17 Mar, 2016 account Comments

  • Edvin Hedzic 2016-03-14 16:10

    Where is the code to go with this game?

  • ginoingras 2016-03-14 19:27

    all of my games on sourceforge have the source code and the windows exe.
    for friendly usage, and particulary for windows users, i prefer to realase them in a zip file.

    for this one also, and the link is :

    fsd 2018-05-12 17:05

    what weird variable names. Instead of calling icon "icon",you called it "icone", and instead of calling the screen "screen" or "game_screen", you called it "fenetre". Is it obfuscated?
  • fsd 2018-05-12 17:02

    lol what weird variable names i mean WorldWar746129656d 4k has even weirder variable names, but that's for reducing the size. Is it obfuscated?
  • fsd 2018-05-12 17:04

    Instead of calling the screen "screen", or "gameDisplay", or "game_screen", you called it "fenetre". It looks like a name from the random module.