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Wikirunner - 0.1

Wikirunner is a two-player game of tag played on Wikipedia pages. Play hotseat against a friend or take on an AI chaser or runner! How long can you run?

Trevor Fountain
# As featured on Wikirunner is an a chase game inspired by Jeremy Bushnell's Wikipedian Tag. Created for Mini Ludum Dare #12 (the theme was 'Wikipedia'), two players are given a random Wikipedia page each, and then 'the chaser' must try to navigate his or her way to the same page as their opponent, while 'the runner' must try to stay off the same page as the chaser for as long as possible. Both players can only move to another Wiki page if it has some relevance to the page they are currently on - so for example, you could move from 'London Olympics' to '2012', but not from 'Russia' to 'kangaroo'. The chaser also gets two goes for every one of the runner's goes, to give him a fair chance. The game can be played in a 2-player hotseat style, or 1 vs AI, or AI vs AI (if you want to watch how the program thinks).



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Wikirunner 0.1 — 3 Oct, 2009 account Comments