Foodforce2 - Beta
Food Force 2, based on Food Force, is being developed as free software. It is cross-platform as it is written in the Python programming language, and runs on platforms including the One Laptop Per Child XO and the Sugar desktop environment. Food Force 2 is currently in beta, and available for download on Linux and Windows platforms.
Deepank Gupta
FoodForce2 is both a classroom tool, and an outside classroom activity. It is a new kind of an educational solution, an â??expanded schoolâ? which grows well beyond the walls of the classroom. The game play has been designed in a way to educate the child about certain key learning areas.The aim of the player is to make a village self-sustenant in terms of nutrition, housing, health, education and training by consistent production and trading of resources with the help of necessary infrastructure. The game currently has a storyboard, which is developed from a viewpoint of an Indian villager, who is the Sarpanch (The administrator of the ruling body, Panchayat, of the village) of a village and his son helps him in the development of the village, who is the next candidate for the position currently held by his father.
1. Lead Developer : Mohit Taneja (mohitgenii AT gmail DOT com)
2. Project Manager : Deepank Gupta (deepankgupta AT gmail DOT com)
3. Co-Developer : Vijit Singh (vijitthetopcoder AT gmail DOT com) Peeyush Kumar (peeyush.hsuyeep AT gmail DOT com)
4. OLPC Project Co-ordinator : Manusheel Gupta (manu AT laptop DOT org)
5. Artwork Lead : Silke Buhr
6. Artwork : WFP Artists from Italy

Foodforce2 Beta — 10 May, 2009