pygame 844
2d 783
arcade 744
game 397
python 342
puzzle 341
shooter 268
strategy 257
action 222
space 153
other 152
libraries 151
simple 143
platformer 138
multiplayer 127
rpg 118
retro 98
applications 93
3d 87
gpl 82
pyopengl 74
snake 72
pyweek 71
geometrian 68
library 66
gui 63
physics 61
engine 59
simulation 55
adventure 52
Easy painting for very young childrenFantasy Adventures
A game for players ranging in age of people (11 - ?) that currently is only in the developing stages a game for low end computers with great potential. This game will be for gnu linux(mainly) and windows only and will olnly be bug tested for ubuntu debian ect and windows but once up and running will be bug tested for other systems. It will be 2d and programmened in Yuo guessed it pygame.FreeClimber
Videojuego cuyo objetivo es trepar por un edificio esquivando las ventanas que se cierran y las macetas que se caen.Georg's Melon Adventure - Part 1
When the melons of the world are stolen, Georg must go on a quest to save the worldâ??s melons supply. Collect watermelons, cantaloupes, and honeydews (and various other items) as you battle your way through maze-like levels, spitting seeds at enemies. This side-scrolling game features all original graphics plus an original soundtrack sure to drive you bonkers.Omnitux
Educational activities based on multimedia elements (images, sounds, texts)Throw Windows
Throw Windows computers throw the windows, and put Ubuntu's ones in the table as fast you can!