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Pygame menu

Menu for pygame, simple, lightweight and easy to use


pygame (the library) is a Free and Open Source python programming language library for making multimedia applications like games.

Historical Wargame Simulator

Historical battle simulator in the form of a tactical map with the purpose to provide both enjoyment and educational value to the player.

Basic Blind Chess

Blind Chess also known as "Dark Chess" or "Banqi" or Half Chess , is a two-player Chinese board game played on a 4x8 grid, or half of the xiangqi (Chinese Chess) board. This application is using Taiwan rule.

Nano Virus Zombie

Zombie shooting game with 2 scrolling maps. Created by Brandon Truong and Nathaniel Leonard.


find same cards

Game of Life

Game of Life is a simple implementation of Conway's Game of Life using NumPy and Pygame's surfarray, able to calculate and show ~1 million cells and 60 generations per second on a very standard CPU.

Space invaders

The classic arcade game


Free side-scrolling team action game.

Pygame Saving and Loading Tutorial: Customizable Controls

Tutorial on creating custom control profiles in Python


A suite of educational activities for 3 - 10 years old kids build with Python & Pygame.



Space Invaders

Space invaders coded in PyGame

Conways Game of Life

A simple Conways game of life game, with basic pre-set figures.

Bubble Tanks II

Bubble Tanks 2 written fully in Python/Pygame

OpenGL Menu/Game System

Some boilerplate code to demonstrate how a menu can be incorporated with a 3d game system.

The ultimate introduction to pygame

The game attached to a super comprehensive introduction to pygame.

Space Way

A game about space, during which you have to dodge obstacles

Sprite Captor

a sprites extraction tool

Kung-fu Master

a scrolling fighting game

Street Fighter Pygame

a 2D fighting game made with python and pygame.

Little Rogue

a roguelike game made with python and pygame

Pygame RPG Fighter

Take control of your character and challenge the perilous dungeon, battling waves of enemies!


Platformer game I've been working on

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