pgext - 1.5
Pygame extension written in C.
Josef Vanžura
Small library for surface manipulation.

Improved setup/config script.
Windows/MSVC support.
Releases account Comments
gindar 2012-11-28 09:08
Hi, is anyone using this library?
Sleekjazz 2013-02-16 05:02
the picture of teh lady appears when you run system test on Gameduino where is she from?
Sleekjazz 2013-02-16 05:04
Sleekjazz 2013-02-16 05:05
The image of the lady appears on system test of the Gameduino (gaming shield with VGA adapter for teh arduino) does anyone know where the picture of the lady comes from?
Ian Mallett 2013-02-16 07:05
"ken" == "Sleekjazz" ?
Anyway, the picture is of Lenna, and is a canonical test image in computer graphics. See
Eliot Leo Carney-Seim 2013-04-27 15:46
Hey man, I love your stuff! This has really been helping! keep up the awesome work!!