Arroows - 0.4.2
A building/adventuring/fighting game
The plan for Arroows is going to be a game where you can interact with npcs, build buildings, fight monsters, and interact with the randomly generated world.
Right now Arroows is in pre-alpha, and in heavy development
If you want to help code, we're in desperate need of coders!
Visit the website for info on how to contact me :D
Added Lakes!
Releases account Comments
Cameron McWilliams 2012-04-17 16:19
Looks like it could turn out to be a really cool game.
Nickwazza 2012-09-24 09:21
Hey, that's pretty cool
CHAD2430 2013-11-14 01:26
Dude, just show me how to make collision, buttons, and move multiple stuff at diffrent times, oh and maps and I'm in...just give me a bit of time to grasp the code and in 2 weeks we should have another programmer....did I mention I did art? Maybe we can help each other....I can do art, and you can help me with one of my projects. Sound Good?