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splashlib - 1.0

A small lib to load and display splashscreen, which can have per pixel alpha. Depends on: PIL, Pygame, Windows OS

Fabian Dill
A small lib to load and display splashscreen, which can have per pixel alpha.
Depends on: PIL, Pygame, Windows OS

import splashlib
splashlib.splash([tuple containing the dimensions of the image], [string reperesenting path to image])
for example:
splashlib.splash((940, 140),"splash.png")

this can only be done BEFORE you make a pygame display. This module will initialize pygame and create a screen, so you sould not do that before it does.
when the function returns you will have a pygame screen, with the size of the image, frameless.
Just call display.set_mode afterwards to make it fit for your application, or destroy the screen if you dont use pygame for your program.

The package contains an example splash and if you execute the splashlib itself it will showcase the example.



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splashlib 1.0 — 22 Jul, 2010 account Comments