Elements: 2D physics API for the Box2D Engine
Elements is an easy-to-use 2D physics API for the Box2D engine, including renderers for OpenGL, PyGame and Cairo.
chris hager
# Easy to use API for integrating 2D physics into own projects
# Box2D Python Bindings (with SWIG)
# Good Documentation, Lots of examples
# Drawing method independent (renderers for drawing with pygame, opengl and cairo)
# Concave polygon decomposition, contact callbacks, ...
# User interfaces, simulations, teaching & learning tools
# Fast code, XO laptop compatible
# Platform Independent
# Box2D Python Bindings (with SWIG)
# Good Documentation, Lots of examples
# Drawing method independent (renderers for drawing with pygame, opengl and cairo)
# Concave polygon decomposition, contact callbacks, ...
# User interfaces, simulations, teaching & learning tools
# Fast code, XO laptop compatible
# Platform Independent

- Home Page
- http://elements.linuxuser.at
Elements: 2D physics API for the Box2D Engine 0.5 — 2 Oct, 2008