Miner is a dig-and-gather-resources game. You are Sam, a Moon resource miner who must gather resources from the Moon surface.
Marcus Møller
- Home Page
- http://www.pyweek.org/e/powrtoch/
Pygame.org account Comments
Benjamin Ward 2013-12-08 14:45
What resources does this require? I have tried to run this from the command line, and double-clicking the .py file, but it gives me errors whatever I do, so I assume that I am missing something.
Marcus Møller 2013-12-11 07:40
Hi Benjamin Ward.
What error are you getting when running it from the command-line? It should work out-of-the-box.
MarcusBenjamin Ward 2013-12-12 21:20
I have attatched a picture... I don't really understand what the problem with this is (in the program, I mean). Thanks for the help!
- Benjamin
P.S. - sorry for the slow response, I was away from an internet connection for a while.
Marcus Møller 2013-12-13 09:30
Miner should be now be able to be run through Python3. Please get the latest source on GitHub: https://github.com/marcusmolle...
Recoherent 2013-12-09 23:44
Wow. I love this game :) This is the kind of game that usually doesn't have a story, but I like this one's. :D Nice game to play when you need to kill a bit of time. All in all, I like it. Maybe when you add the infinite worlds (or whatever) you could add sandbox, where you just try to get the most possible, and maybe add lava or something dangerous? Who knows! :D
Marcus Møller 2013-12-11 07:43
Hi Recoherent.
Happy to hear that you enjoyed the game! It was initially made just for PyWeek, but as I never got around polishing the game, I will most certainly do that at some point. It could also do with a bit of music and sounds to give an overall better atmosphere.
Thanks for your kind words.
CHAD2430 2014-01-02 21:04
hello Marcus, I havent tried the game yet but looks interesting!
is this a tile set form you're using?
I haven't firmly grasped how to do that yet.....perhaps you could help me?
also, maybe we could help each other, idk how you feel about that but I would like to work with someone, kinda like e-mailing source to one another, coming up with ideas.
Let me know what you think,Thanks
Marcus Møller 2014-01-05 08:56
Hi CHAD2430.
I am not entirely sure what you mean by "tile set form". If you mean a tileset image (an image full of different tiles for use in tile maps), then no. The only two graphical resources that I used in Miner was the aim (the greenish one around the player) and the planet (in the background).
If you mean a simple tilemap, then yes, this is just a simple tilemap, tile[x][y].
But please do contact me if you have any questions. You should be able to find my e-mail on my Github profile!
Marcus -
koda 2014-03-05 04:26
how do i play the game?
Sam Sanft 2014-06-03 17:05
How do you download the game?
HelpPls 2014-07-04 01:57
Really wish I could figure out how to run the damn thing...
HelpPls 2014-07-04 01:58
I have a PC and see no "codes and development" in my AppData folder. I also tried moving all of the files into my installation of python but that didn't work (not that it really expected it to)