This script contains two functions that allow you to "subtract" the area of one or more rects from the area of another.
The script returns several new, smaller rects, that cover the entire area not removed by the other rect(s).

import pygame from pygame.locals import * def sub_rect(r1, r2): """remove the area of r2 from r1""" if not r1.colliderect(r2): return [r1] clip = r2.clip(r1) #first we have to see if there is a complete rect to each side of the removing rect need_com_left = False need_com_right = False need_com_top = False need_com_bottom = False if clip.left > r1.left: need_com_left = True if clip.right < r1.right: need_com_right = True if > need_com_top = True if clip.bottom < r1.bottom: need_com_bottom = True left = None right = None top = None bottom = None if need_com_left: #ok, we also need to check top and bottom here... t = b = r1.bottom - l = r1.left r = clip.left - r1.left if need_com_top: #we need to cut a bit off the top of this t = if need_com_bottom: b = clip.bottom - t left = pygame.Rect(l, t, r, b) if need_com_right: t = b = r1.bottom - l = clip.right r = r1.right - clip.right if need_com_top: t = if need_com_bottom: b = clip.bottom - t right = pygame.Rect(l, t, r, b) if need_com_top: top = pygame.Rect(r1.left,, r1.width, if need_com_bottom: bottom = pygame.Rect(r1.left, clip.bottom, r1.width, r1.bottom-clip.bottom) ret = [] for i in [left, right, top, bottom]: if i: ret.append(i) return ret def sub_rect_list(r1, rl): dirty = [r1] for i in rl: new = [] for x in dirty: new.extend(sub_rect(x, i)) dirty = new return dirty #test this! a = pygame.Rect(0,0,100,100) b = pygame.Rect(10,10,80,80) c = pygame.Rect(80,80,20,20) dirty = sub_rect_list(a, [b, c]) pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode((640, 480)) back = pygame.Surface(a.size) back.fill((0,255,0)) screen.blit(back, (0,0)) new = pygame.Surface(a.size) new.fill((255,0,0)) for i in dirty: if i: screen.blit(new, i.topleft, i) pygame.display.flip()