How to make a windows executable.


py2exe is a Python distutils extension which converts python scripts into executable windows programs, able to run without requiring a python installation.

# This is an example file # run it from the windows command line like so: # > C:\Python2.4\python.exe py2exe from distutils.core import setup import py2exe, glob opts = { "py2exe": { # if you import .py files from subfolders of your project, then those are # submodules. You'll want to declare those in the "includes" 'includes':['data', 'data.glarf', 'data.glarf.chardef', ], } } setup( #this is the file that is run when you start the game from the command line. console=[''], #options as defined above options=opts, #data files - these are the non-python files, like images and sounds #the glob module comes in handy here. data_files = [ ("data", glob.glob("data\\*.png") + glob.glob("data\\*.ogg")), ("data/glarf", glob.glob("data\\glarf\\*.*")) , ("data/level1", glob.glob("data\\level1\\*.*")) ], #this will pack up a zipfile instead of having a glut of files sitting #in a folder. zipfile="lib/" )


TODO: An example nsis script for making an installer.