To get sprite collsion methods to use a different member Rect can be useful. I use my Sprite.rect for rendering purposes, and want a smaller rect for collision detection. To get that effect I added the method below to my Charactor class: # TODO: make this method more generic, so it can be used outside of your # program. def am_in_collision(self): v_shrink_by=.7 h_shrink_by=.45 smaller_me=self.rect.inflate(-self.rect.width*h_shrink_by, -self.rect.height*v_shrink_by) allsprites2=allsprites.copy() allsprites2.remove(self) smaller_all=[sprite.rect.inflate(-sprite.rect.width*h_shrink_by, -sprite.rect.height*v_shrink_by) for sprite in allsprites2] return bool(smaller_me.collidelistall(smaller_all))