Building libtiff

Trying to build libtiff with MingW using configure is frustrating. Instead, use these custom makefiles. libtiff is dependent on the jpeg and zip libraries.

# tiff-3.8.2/libtiff/Makefile.mingw # For used with msys. All dependencies are assumed to be installed # in msys's /usr/local . # To build libtiff.dll and import library libtiff.a : # make -fMakefile.mingw # To install the tiff library in msys's /usr/local : # make install -fMakefile.mingw # To clean up the libtiff subdirectory : # make clean -fMakefile.mingw DLL_NAME = libtiff.dll EXTRA_INCLS = C:/prg/msys/1.0/local/include EXTRA_LIBS = C:/prg/msys/1.0/local/lib HDRS = \ tiff.h \ tiffconf.h \ tiffio.h \ tiffvers.h SRCS = \ tif_aux.c \ tif_close.c \ tif_codec.c \ tif_color.c \ tif_compress.c \ tif_dir.c \ tif_dirinfo.c \ tif_dirread.c \ tif_dirwrite.c \ tif_dumpmode.c \ tif_error.c \ tif_extension.c \ tif_fax3.c \ tif_fax3sm.c \ tif_flush.c \ tif_getimage.c \ tif_jpeg.c \ tif_luv.c \ tif_lzw.c \ tif_next.c \ tif_ojpeg.c \ tif_open.c \ tif_packbits.c \ tif_pixarlog.c \ tif_predict.c \ tif_print.c \ tif_read.c \ tif_strip.c \ tif_swab.c \ tif_thunder.c \ tif_tile.c \ tif_unix.c \ tif_version.c \ tif_warning.c \ tif_write.c \ tif_zip.c all: $(DLL_NAME) libtiff.a tif_config.h: cp -fp tif_config.h tiffconf.h: cp -fp tiffconf.h $(DLL_NAME): tif_config.h tiffconf.h gcc -shared -s -O2 -W3 -I. -I$(EXTRA_INCLS) -L$(EXTRA_LIBS) -o $(DLL_NAME) $(SRCS) libtiff.def -ljpeg -lz libtiff.a: dlltool -d libtiff.def -D $(DLL_NAME) -l libtiff.a install: libtiff.a $(DLL_NAME) cp -fp $(DLL_NAME) /usr/local/bin cp -fp libtiff.a /usr/local/lib cp -fp tiff.h /usr/local/include cp -fp tiffconf.h /usr/local/include cp -fp tif_config.h /usr/local/include cp -fp tiffio.h /usr/local/include cp -fp tiffvers.h /usr/local/include clean: rm $(DLL_NAME) rm libtiff.a rm tiffconf.h rm tif_config.h # tiff-3.8.2/test/Makefile.mingw # For building and executing the tiff test programs using msys. # The tiff library and its dependencies are assumed to be installed # in msys's /usr/local . # To build the test programs : # make -fMakefile.mingw # To run the test programs : # make test -fmakefile.mingw # To clean up the test subdirectory : # make clean -fmakefile.mingw EXTRA_INCLS = C:/prg/msys/1.0/local/include EXTRA_LIBS = C:/prg/msys/1.0/local/lib COMPILE_OPTIONS = -W3 -I. all: ascii_tag.exe long_tag.exe short_tag.exe strip_rw.exe check_tag.o: gcc -c $(COMPILE_OPTIONS) check_tag.c strip.o: gcc -c $(COMPILE_OPTIONS) strip.c test_arrays.o: gcc -c $(COMPILE_OPTIONS) test_arrays.c ascii_tag.exe: gcc $(COMPILE_OPTIONS) -I$(EXTRA_INCLS) -L$(EXTRA_LIBS) -o ascii_tag.exe ascii_tag.c -ltiff long_tag.exe: check_tag.o gcc $(COMPILE_OPTIONS) -I$(EXTRA_INCLS) -L$(EXTRA_LIBS) -o long_tag.exe long_tag.c check_tag.o -ltiff short_tag.exe: check_tag.o gcc $(COMPILE_OPTIONS) -I$(EXTRA_INCLS) -L$(EXTRA_LIBS) -o short_tag.exe short_tag.c check_tag.o -ltiff strip_rw.exe: strip.o test_arrays.o gcc $(COMPILE_OPTIONS) -I$(EXTRA_INCLS) -L$(EXTRA_LIBS) -o strip_rw.exe strip_rw.c strip.o test_arrays.o -ltiff test: ascii_tag.exe long_tag.exe short_tag.exe strip_rw.exe ascii_tag.exe long_tag.exe short_tag.exe strip_rw.exe clean: rm *.exe rm *.o