Notes for hacking, developing, and modifying pygame.

Building pygame

See the wiki page: [[Compilation]] to figure out how to compile pygame on different platforms.

How to do debug builds?
python build --debug install
How to speed up compilation? The build only compiles things that have changed by default. Parallel builds can be done with python 3.5+, where you can set the -j option with the number of workers you want to use. Probably setting it to the same as your number of CPU cores is a good idea.
python build -j4 install

Buildbots, pygame compiled on every change

There is a pygame github page. Development now happens on github.

Right now, pygame uses Github Actions and AppVeyor (windows) for CI. These are useful to make sure that changes proposed by contributors do not break pygame in any way, pygame must still build and work fine across different platforms and python versions.

Linux manylinux builds

Manylinux builds are binary files for pip which should work on many versions of linux. See in the pygame repo manylinux-build/README.rst

Generating docs

python docs

This runs buildconfig/ which runs Sphinx to generate HTML docs and src_c/docs/{module}_doc.h C headers from reStructuredText source.

The reStructuredText .rst files are stored in the pygame/docs/reST/ref/ (reference manual) and docs/reST/tut/(tutorials) directories.

An online reStructuredText primer can be found on the Python website site.

Sphinx specific markup is described in theSphinx Documentation.

Parameters for functions should be documented with param info field lists.

The Python Sphinx package itself depends on Docutils, Jinja2, and Pygments.

Running tests

To run the tests from the test sub-directory in the pygame distribution:

python test/ -v

To run the tests from the installed pygame.tests module:

python -m pygame.tests -v

In either case the --help command line option will give usage instructions.

An important option is -v. This lets you see more details of the tests as they run.

C API docs

The C API docs can be found at The source code for these docs in RestructuredText format is in docs/reST/c_api.rst and docs/reST/c_api/.

Code style

Try and follow the code style of the particular file you are editing.

Use 4 spaces instead of tabs, and Pep-8 generally.  Make sure your editor doesn't insert tabs.

Try to keep things under 80 characters wide.

Try not to mix in white space commits with other code commits.  This makes reading diffs easier if you separate the whitespace updates from the actual changes.

For C code, we use clang-format. There is a config in src_c/.clang-format which tries to use a pep-7 style.

Writing tests.

Tests are in the test/ directory.

Please see test/README.txt (in the pygame repo) for more of a description on the tests, and the testing framework.

A naming convention is used for all tests. So from the name of a module, class, method, or function, you can find the tests for it.

Each module has a test file.  eg. for pygame.surface there is test/

In that file there are methods for each of the classes, functions and methods. So Surface.blit has a 'test_blit' method.  There can be multiple test methods for each method. eg. 'test_blit_keyword_args' in one of a few tests Surface.blit.  Add extra words at the end of the method name to make multiple tests for the same method.

Methods named with todo at the front "todo_blit" are methods that need to be written. Or finished. By default all of the todo tests are skipped by the test runner.  You can however, make the todo_ tests fail - to see how many more tests need to be finished.

Tests can use tags in order to organise them. There are optionally [modulename] files for each module. A test/ file is used to specify tags for the pygame.surface module. You can use tags to skip tests on different platforms, or to choose different tests to exclude or run.

There are some test related tools + code in test/util/ .

To see if anything in a module is not documented... you can use: python pygame.sprite sprite.doc

To generate some test stubs for your unittests from an existing file... you can do: python midi

Submitting changes to github

See If you are a member of the pygame repo on github you can start a new branch like this: git clone cd pygame git checkout -b my-fixes-branch # Edit your changes here. git commit . git push --set-upstream origin my-fixes-branch Then go to the web to create a pull request. Add a couple of reviewers who you think might want to review the code. If you are not part of the github pygame organization, then fork pygame with github, and then when you're ready, send us a pull request.

Issue triage

There's a lot of issues, and people often only care about the issue for a short time. It can be helpful to categorize issues to save time for other developers, and to try and move an issue along.

Here are some general guidelines:

Dealing with code reviews and the automated testing of the Continuous Integration tools

So, you've come up with some excellent bug fixes, tests or improvements to pygame and you are wondering how to go from there to getting your code merged into the pygame mainline. Here are some top tips:

Deprecation of old code

See for some discussion and PRs linked to it.