Title: Aspect Scale

Author: Frank Raiser (crashchaos at gmx.net)
Submission date: September 6, 2001

Description: Scaling surfaces keeping their aspect ratio

Download: aspect_scale.py

pygame version required: 1.1
SDL version required: Any
Python version required: Any

Comments: As Mr. Raiser says, this is a pretty simple and straightforward variation on the standard pygame.transform.scale function. This one will preserve the height/width ratio of your image as it scales it, so that no distortion occurs. As a result, you won't necessarily get the exact final surface dimensions you request.

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aspect_scale.py - Scaling surfaces keeping their aspect ratio
Raiser, Frank - Sep 6, 2k++
crashchaos at gmx.net

This is a pretty simple and basic function that is a kind of
enhancement to pygame.transform.scale. It scales a surface
(using pygame.transform.scale) but keeps the surface's aspect
ratio intact. So you will not get distorted images after scaling.
A pretty basic functionality indeed but also a pretty useful one.

is straightforward.. just create your surface and pass it as
first parameter. Then pass the width and height of the box to
which size your surface shall be scaled as a tuple in the second
parameter. The aspect_scale method will then return you the scaled
surface (which does not neccessarily have the size of the specified
box of course)

a pygame version supporting pygame.transform (pygame-1.1+)

def aspect_scale(img,(bx,by)):
    """ Scales 'img' to fit into box bx/by.
     This method will retain the original image's aspect ratio """
    ix,iy = img.get_size()
    if ix > iy:
        # fit to width
        scale_factor = bx/float(ix)
        sy = scale_factor * iy
        if sy > by:
            scale_factor = by/float(iy)
            sx = scale_factor * ix
            sy = by
            sx = bx
        # fit to height
        scale_factor = by/float(iy)
        sx = scale_factor * ix
        if sx > bx:
            scale_factor = bx/float(ix)
            sx = bx
            sy = scale_factor * iy
            sy = by

    return pygame.transform.scale(img, (sx,sy))

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